2007-01Supporting an Application to Create an Economic Development Zone in the North Rowley Area of Tooele County, Utah
2007-02Proposing the Establishment of the East Cimmarron Special Service District, Tooele County, Utah
2007-03Authorizing the Wendover Airport Manager to Enter into Leasing Contracts on Behalf of Tooele County for Storage Buildings Located on the Airport’s Premises
2007-04Resolution by the County Commission Expressing its Disapproval of the Proposed “Voter Confidence and Increased Accessibility Act of 2007″ (HR811)
2007-05Appointing a Tooele County Representative and an Alternate Representative for the Utah Counties Insurance Pool (UCIP) Annual Membership Meeting and Appointing a Risk Manager Responsible for the Implementation of the UCIP Multiline Best Practices Program
2007-06Proposing the Establishment of the Erda Special Service District, Tooele County, Utah, Calling a Public Hearing and Providing Notice Thereof and Related Matters
2007-07Adopting the 2007 Tax Rates and Property Tax Revenue Budget Amounts
2007-08Electing to Administer Future Elections for Ibapah, Ophir, Dugway, Rush Valley, Terra, Vernon, and Wendover, entirely by Absentee Ballot
2007-09Adopting the Fiscal Year 2008 Budget for Tooele County and Establishing the Salaries of the Tooele County Officers
2007-10Adjusting the 2007 Tooele County Budget
2007-11Removing 61.72‡ Acres from an Agriculture Protection Area as Petitioned by Mayla Warr
2007-12Authorizing County Offices to be Closed on December 26, 2007